Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Weekly Vocab

Soft Focus - give the appearance of blurring the image while retaining sharp edges

Surrealism - cultural movement that began in the early 1920s, and is best known for its visual artworks and writings

Cropping - removal of the outer parts of an image to improve framing, accentuate subject matter or change aspect ratio

Anamorphic Format -  cinematography technique of shooting a widescreen picture on standard 35 mm film or other visual recording media with a non-widescreen native aspect ratio

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Weekly Vocab

GIFa lossless format for compressing image files.

Zoopraxiscope zoopraxiscope is an early device for displaying motion pictures. Created by photographic pioneer Eadweard Muybridge in 1879, it may be considered the first movie projector.

Kinetoscopean early motion-picture device in which the images were viewed through a peephole.

ChronophotographyChronophotography is an antique photographic technique from the Victorian era, which captures movement in several frames of print.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014


Weekly Vocab

Conceptual photography - type of photography that illustrates an idea

Stock photography - supply of photographs licensed for specific uses

Microstock photography - a part of the stock photography industry, they source their images almost exclusively via the Internet, do so from a wider range of photographers than the traditional stock agencies, and sell their images at a very low rate for a royalty-free image

iStock - online, royalty free, international microstock photography provider operating with the micropayment business model

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

PSD Pop Art

Weekly Vocab

Pop Art - art movement that emerged in the mid-1950s in Britain and in the late 1950s in the United States

Dadaism - art movement of the European avant-garde in the early 20th century

Photomontage - process and the result of making a composite photograph by cutting and joining two or more photographs into an illusion of an unreal subject

Constructivism -  artistic and architectural philosophy that originated in Russia beginning in 1919, which was a rejection of the idea of autonomous art