Monday, January 13, 2014

Weekly Vocab 1/13/14

Collageis a technique of an art production, primarily used in the visual arts, where the artwork is made from an assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole.

Sepia Toning Sepia toning is a specialized treatment to give a black-and-white photographic print a warmer tone and to enhance its archival qualities. Chemicals are used to convert the metallic silver in the print to a sulfide compound, which is much more resistant to the effects of environmental pollutants such as atmospheric sulfur compounds.

Selenium Toning popular archival toning process, converting metallic silver to silver selenide. In a diluted toning solution, selenium toning gives a red-brown tone, while a strong solution gives a purple-brown tone.

Duotonehalftone reproduction of an image using the superimposition of one contrasting colour halftone (traditionally black) over another color halftone. 

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